Ihr denkt euch jetzt so: hä? wieso freut die sich da drüber? was geht schief?
Ok, am Anfang dacht ich mir auch so "och nee, was soll die kacke denn jetzt" (siehe Instagram Stories)
Aber dann bin ich vom Gym heim und zum Supermarkt gelaufen - es hat noch getröpfelt - und irgendwie hat es so gut getan. Die Luft war frisch, es war angenehm kühl. Fast wie zu Hause 😉. Versteht mich nicht falsch, ich liebe Sommer, Sonne und warme Temperaturen; aber ich bin eben doch ein Herbst-Kind und finde dieses graue Herbstwetter von Zeit zu Zeit auch mal ganz entspannend.
2. hab ich eine 1,0 auf meine Hausarbeit bekommen. Die, um die ich mir so viele Sorgen gemacht habe und die mich Wochen lang gestresst und gequält hat. Die Mühe hat sich gelohnt.
Dafür hab ich mich dann heute gleich mal mit meinem Lieblings-Essen belohnt: Kokos-Fisch-Curry.
Natürlich hab ich mal wieder so viel gemacht, dass ich mich die nächsten drei Tage davon ernähren kann 😂
I am going to keep it really short today, but I have to tell you something: it was a very good day for me, because
You might now think: what the hell is wrong with her?
Ok, to be honest in the beginning I was really annoyed that it was raining. But when I was walking back home from the gym an then to the supermarket (it was slightly raining then) it just felt so good. The air was fresh and it had cooled down. Almost like home 😉. Don't get me wrong: I love summer, sun and hot temperatures; but still I am a child of autum and sometimes I really enjoy those grey autumn days. I find this relaxing.
Ok, to be honest in the beginning I was really annoyed that it was raining. But when I was walking back home from the gym an then to the supermarket (it was slightly raining then) it just felt so good. The air was fresh and it had cooled down. Almost like home 😉. Don't get me wrong: I love summer, sun and hot temperatures; but still I am a child of autum and sometimes I really enjoy those grey autumn days. I find this relaxing.
2. I got an A for my term paper of last semester. The one that has been bothering me and keeping me stressed for weeks. All the work finally payed off.
This is why I treated myself to my favourite dish today: Coconut-Fish-Curry.
Of course I have again made so much that I can have it for the next three days staight 😂
This is why I treated myself to my favourite dish today: Coconut-Fish-Curry.
Of course I have again made so much that I can have it for the next three days staight 😂
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